Grey Hematite Soil, Champion Mine Dump data (GHSChp)

10 cm Grey Hematite Soil, Champion Mine Dump data


Sample ID GHSChp
Dominant Minerology Grey Hematite? and Magnetite?
εDC 95.5% LCI NC
Best Fit NC
95.5% UCI NC
ε 95.5% LCI NC
Best Fit NC
95.5% UCI NC
τ (ns) 95.5% LCI NC
Best Fit NC
95.5% UCI NC
E (eV) 95.5% LCI NC
Best Fit NC
95.5% UCI NC
α 95.5% LCI NC
Best Fit NC
95.5% UCI NC
ρDC (kΩm) >50
μr 1.00+0.03 (change later)
εDC = relative dielectric permittivity at low frequency
ε = relative dielectric permittivity at infinite frequency
τ (ns) = time constant of relaxation at infinite temperature
E (eV) = activation energy
α = distribution of the relaxation parameter
υr = real part of relative magnetic permeability
ρDC (kΩm) = DC resistivity
UCI = Upper Confidence Intervals
LCI = Lower Confidence Intervals
NC = Not Calculated